Step 1: Log Into TutorCruncher.
You can log into your Accolade TutorCruncher account by heading to the following URL:
Step 2: Navigate to your jobs panel and select the relevant job.
Once you log in, you will automatically be taken to your dashboard. Scroll down until you see a section entitled “Jobs” and click on the job for which you would like to log your hours (see image above).
If you are currently working on a job, and there are no jobs appearing in this section, please write to under the subject “Job Not Appearing.”
Step 3: Hit the “Add New Lesson” button.
Click the button marked “Add New Lesson,” as illustrated in the image above.
Step 4: Log your hours.
You will now arrive at a page where you can log your hours. In the “Start Time” box, input the lesson’s date and start time (the little calendar button to the box’s right should allow you to do so); then input the time at which the lesson finished.
Next, under “Topic,” give a very short title for the lesson. Do not worry about the “Location” box: just leave it blank.
(If a client has cancelled the lesson within 24 hours of its start time, you are entitled to log your hours anyway. Just input the start and end time that had been agreed upon; then, under Topic, just write “Lesson Cancelled”)
To complete this step, hit the “Record Lesson” button.
Step 5: Create a report.
We are fairly relaxed about this step (we believe that tutors should be feeding back to clients in person and not relying on lesson by lesson reports). If you so wish, by all means write a detailed report; but also feel free just to copy and paste the lesson’s title again.
(If the lesson was cancelled, simply write “Lesson Cancelled).
Once you’re done, hit “Save Report.” Your lesson will have been added.
Final Note
We ask our tutors to do their best to log their hours before the end of the calendar month. In other words, all hours completed during, say, May ought to be logged by midnight on May 31. This allows us to collect payment more efficiently.
We aim to pay our tutors for their month’s work by the 14th of the following month. So payment for work completed over the course of May will be paid out by June 14.